Poems of Category "War & Peace" in Dutch

Welcome to the War and Peace Poems category on e-Stories.org! Here, you will discover a collection of deeply poignant poems written by talented hobby authors. These poems explore the profound themes of war, the suffering endured by humanity, and the enduring hope for peace. They serve as powerful reminders of the devastating impacts of war on individuals, communities, and societies.

Through evocative imagery and heartfelt verses, these poems capture the pain, anguish, and loss experienced by those affected by war. They shed light on the profound human cost, urging us to reflect upon the futility of violence and the urgent need for global harmony. These poems serve as a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity, while also evoking a sense of hope and a longing for a world free from conflict.

e-Stories.org celebrates the power of poetry to inspire, provoke thought, and foster dialogue. We invite you to immerse yourself in this moving collection of war and peace poems, each one offering a unique perspective and insight into the human experience. We also encourage you to share your own poetic expressions, for free, as we believe in the transformative power of art in addressing important issues and promoting understanding amongst diverse voices.

Poems War & Peace (dutch)

Title Author:
Een geldend geloofLion Kroeze
Innerlijke 3e wereldoorlogLion Kroeze
Rode RivierJan Theuninck
Tyne CotJan Theuninck
Tödlicher FriedeManfred H. Freude