Comments of our readers for:

„MOTIVATION “ of Joseph Trance

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Short Stories of our authors from the category „Sorrow“

Rolph David (

Pictur Author
Is that supposed to be a poem? But it could also be that I don't know this type of poetry yet - there are supposed to be many different genres.

Ricky Marks (

Pictur Author
This is a short story based on a fictional conversation between a psychologist and the man
Who nailed Jesus to the cross. As I thought about that man I wondered about him..his personality and his heart..and what kind of man would be capable
Of nailing the Son Of God to a piece of wood. And I wondered what Jesus would do with a man like that.

I do have poems on this site as well. Most of them are Christian based and deal with things I've thought about and experienced in my Christian walk.

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