Ivan Sokac


The non-believers do not convert when a miracle happens, but the miracle happens when the non-believers convert.

Then all blasphemers snuggle into new skirts, new masters pat their shoulders and all the bells are ringing to announce that. Often, their sins disappear faster than time swallows the air, so only the scars are left to the wounded, as they walk humbly bending downward. In the end, they would bow down to the sinners and pray for forgiveness.

When miracle happens, always farther from dignified ecstasy, somewhere in secrecy, a new tears roll. Pain tears apart innocent, so strong that his chest opens and all the blood drains.

No one will notice him. He is innocent…  

All rights belong to its author. It was published on e-Stories.org by demand of Ivan Sokac.
Published on e-Stories.org on 09/18/2019.


The author


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