Jürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez

Thoughts about death or a philosophical consideration



With Him begins life

To him we return


Special features: ubiquitous

Colour : Black - absolute darkness

Symbolically associated with: bleached skeleton or just as a skull


Favourite colour : Red


Red - the spilling of blood

Red - the embers

Red - the consuming fire

Red - The gate to hell



Surely dead ends life's misery,

but life shudders before death.

Life sees the dark hand,

not the bright chalice it offered.

(Rumi -13th century - beginning of the 15th Ghasel/Diwan)


The good, the bad - which every human being has to deal with, a struggle.

Religions raise their index finger.

Paint life primarily black, warning of the darkness and the resulting misery.

They sow fear and let it grow.


But then will follow: but.....


Why can't it be the opposite?


The truth, the beautiful and good that a life in light is intended for people and not only when they have rushed through life like a lost and seeking person, always with fear in their luggage.


Shouldn't life be something beautiful too? A preparation for paradise and not superficially keeping alive fears of eternal damnation!

Let us imagine death in different colours: Blue sky, fragrant yellow - colourful!


And how does the soul react after such an internalized realignment? How would we live, have lived if death would lead us out of life as a radiant companion from childhood onwards? Have you ever thought about?!


And what about the fear? As long as we stick to things and hold on to them, as long as we do not want to and cannot accept a loss, death appears dark and black to us.

But the one who can free himself from fear in the course of life, who is able to release his grip on it, will also reach the knowledge. But it is indeed an extremely difficult undertaking. Only very few reach the goal. Conclusion: man has invented hell for himself, not only to justify the longing and sense of paradise, but to make it his goal.


Aristotle already formulated it: A sentence with contradiction has no truth value in itself.


But in his life he has focused too much on the darkness and has covered himself with fear over generations and this cannot be denied. Just think about a war.














All rights belong to its author. It was published on e-Stories.org by demand of Jürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez.
Published on e-Stories.org on 07/20/2020.


The author


Book by Jürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez:


Emotionale Welten von Jürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez

In den Gedichten hat der Autor das lyrische "Ich" durch ein vorwiegendes lyrisches "Du" bzw. "Wir" ersetzt, was eine kollektive Nähe zum Geschehenen hervorruft.
Die sehr eindrücklichen Beschreibungen leben von den vielen Metaphern und Vergleichen.
Eine klare und leicht verständliche Sprache sowie wohlgeformte Reime ermöglichen dem Leser einen guten Zugang zu den Gedichten.
Etwas für Lyrik-Liebhaber und jene, die gerne über das Leben philosophieren. Eine kleine poetische Reise, die den Leser zum Verweilen und zum Nachdenken über den Sinn des Lebens einlädt.

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