Rolph David

It's just...

It's Just...To Each His Little Crown!

Since March 2020 we are sold with words and specifications like...
- it's just another insignificant lockdown after all (who cares?),
- it's only a distance of 1.5 metres (but not in buses or our schools),
- it's just a mask (it hides the ugly too - what advantage!),
- it's just home office (who doesn't wish he could do his work from home in old drain clothes?),
- it's just short-time work (we're not talking about the reduced pension in the future!),
- it's just a two week quarantine, despite negative PCR tests (we play it safe!!!),
- it's just a ban on contact, where hugs, where comfort, where closeness would be so important,
- it's just a simple shot, or two, or three! (the three is magic!),
- it's only for our good!
It's only a precautionary measure (what did you think?),
- it's just a business, a company that disappears (how tragic!),
- it's just countless small and medium-sized families that can no longer meet their monthly obligations,
- it's only two Christmases, two Easters you've missed out on so far,
- it's only Covid-19 and its brothers and sisters (embracing the world!).
It's just a disco, a bar, a restaurant that close forever,
- it's just a few more unemployed and deaths (many died before the virus, didn't they?),
- it's only unimportant operations and treatments that are postponed and cancelled because of Corona (what does it matter?),
- it's only sport that is cancelled (except for soccer events!),
- it's only the dancing you have to do without,
- it's only the drama, the theatre doesn't perform,
- it's only the opera, the opera house doesn't make you listen to.
It's only the masks,the vaccines, the vaccinations, the corona test centres that allow some to enrich themselves at the expense of the rest of us! (Honi soit qui mal y pense!),
- it's only that once, or twice or thrice you renounce all plans of travel (make Gretchen happy!),
- it's just that you lock up old, ill, innocent and dependent home residents, isolate and barrack them (for their own protection, of course, what did you assume?).
So far you've only had to miss two b-day parties,
- it's just more booster shots you have to endure because they've kept lying to you for years about their actual effectiveness and efficacy,
- it's just a trivial service (God+ will most likely understand),
- the German Red Cross recommends, the epidemiologists advise, the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute instructs, and the Minister of Health orders and
  all of them stoically follow the leader to the slaughter! (How much longer?)
We are now surfing on the 4th wave towards the 5th monster wave which will swallow up all those who are going against the tide. Cov-20 is past, it has long been Cov-21 and soon
Cov-22 will be. Let's celebrate (without any fireworks!) and go down together - towards a promising future!
It's only...! But how much longer?


All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of Rolph David.
Published on on 12/23/2021.


The author


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