Jürgen Wagner

The Three Fishermen

The bishop's ship, it made a stop
On an island far away
The cleric walked along the shore
Discovered in a bay

Three fishermen, they mended nets
And greeted him so kind
"We are Christians, just like you, 
and have the peace of mind!"

"What do you pray, the bishop asked?"
They answered, '"so we call: 
'Three are you, three are us
Have mercy on us all!'''

The bishop was surprised and said: 
"Lord's prayer you don't know? 
I'll teach you, poor old fishermen
That's, what I can bestow"

"We've never heard it anywhere
Instruct us, holy man!"
He taught them patiently at shore
Reciting again and again

The next day, he set sail at morn
And had'nt got so far
He could hardly trust his eyes: 
'Three men, oh yes, they are!'

They came to him across the waves
The prayer 'd slipped their mind
"What were the words? Please say again!"
The bishop then inclined: 

"Oh, holy men, return once more
Speak simple words so pure
I'm humbled to my very core
You're at Heaven's door, for sure!"

Following Leo Tolstoi 'The three old men'

All rights belong to its author. It was published on e-Stories.org by demand of Jürgen Wagner.
Published on e-Stories.org on 12/10/2023.


The author

Bild von Jürgen Wagner


Book by Jürgen Wagner:


Bäumen begegnen / Mein Freund, der Baum: Baumgedichte von Jürgen Wagner

Es wächst ein neues Bewusstsein heran, dass Bäume nicht nur Holzlieferanten sind, sondern Lebewesen mit einer Eigenart, einem sozialen Netz und einem inneren Wissen und Fähigkeiten, das wir noch gar nicht kennen. Zusammen mit Bildern und Informationen würdigen die Gedichte die Bäume in ihrer Art und ihrem Wesen und können durchaus eine Brücke der Freundschaft zu ihnen sein.

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