Karen Halloway

Prodigal Daughter

~~I move away from all activity,
 take time to look at the Nativity
I’m overcome by the enormity
 of what My Sin has done to me….

Divorced and Ashamed, I feel I’ve been maimed,
THE Affair has left its scar..
I’ve paid a price, and now am sliced,
 from Heaven…so way off and far…
I’m so depressed; I’m one big mess,
A prostitute, whore and a liar…

“Jesus!!   My Jesus!” I cry out to Thee…
From your manger, reach out to me…
It’s Christmas time, please hear my plea…
”I long to be restored back to Thee…”

I look at Baby Jesus  there
And into His I eyes I dare stare
My tears fall freely…silently in this Place.

Then I see the baby smile,
Oh Father God..it’s been a while
Since I have felt Your LOVE…Your Peace, Your Grace.

Then I hear your loving voice,
And I KNOW I have The Choice
Of  returning  to your great Love.

“Come my daughter on this day,
Come to me don’t stay away,
For my Son was born on Christmas day,
And ALL Your sins are FORGIVEN…”

My sorrow breaks , out loud I Cry…
Flood of tears falling from my eyes…
Then a Peace settles over me,
And the Truth of His LOVE
Sets me free…
Prodigal daughter has returned
By the LOVE of her Father…
Given freely…not earned…

All rights belong to its author. It was published on e-Stories.org by demand of Karen Halloway.
Published on e-Stories.org on 12/25/2013.


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