The old ones once found a notable key:
you can look at the world as a gigantic tree
No doubt, we are all one, top-down
one root, one stern and only one crown
On his branches I am a small leaf
In his altitude I'm a god and chief
In his depths a well with clear cold water
At his feet a few deer and a wise augur
A snake at his roots, a rot in his bark
A bird in his crown, a thief in the dark
In his time much less than an hour
But a little spark of his incredible power
The old myth of Yggdrasil in the Icelandic 'Edda' transmits us the vision of the world as a tree. All beings live there on various levels and they all depend on the welfare of this tree, which the Norns water every day. Propably they imagined an ash.
German version and recitation:
All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of Jürgen Wagner.
Published on on 07/01/2016.
Bäumen begegnen / Mein Freund, der Baum: Baumgedichte
von Jürgen Wagner
Es wächst ein neues Bewusstsein heran, dass Bäume nicht nur Holzlieferanten sind, sondern Lebewesen mit einer Eigenart, einem sozialen Netz und einem inneren Wissen und Fähigkeiten, das wir noch gar nicht kennen. Zusammen mit Bildern und Informationen würdigen die Gedichte die Bäume in ihrer Art und ihrem Wesen und können durchaus eine Brücke der Freundschaft zu ihnen sein.
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