Jürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez

Little Moments (Beach Promenade)

Under the shady green of a mangrove tree there are standing five placed table
covered in white tableclothes. They are looking so inviting, promising a relaxed
feeling of well-being and calm late lunch.
I contacted a waiter and asked him if even non customers of the resort are
allowed to eat here. The answer was positive. I choose a table that suits me best
and took seat in the comfortible ratan chair.
Now I could enjoy the stunning panorama in front of me in peace and quiet.
My sight went to the yellow sandy beach and beyond to the Indian Ocean. In the
distance small waves broke at the coral reef in front of them, rolling gently and
peacefull out to the beach. My gaze hung for a,while on Mauritius's angular
peaks. Thick, flaffy clouds drew melancholically on the horizon. It seemed to
me if they are stucked in their places and dozing off in the heavy tropical
midday sultriness. Where ever sluggish cloud formations allowed the sun to
see rugged mountain slopes, the flora shimmered in esmerald green shades.

The picture changed constantly. What a beautiful spectacle I thought:
How nature can set a landscape in such impressive scenes. There already
been the friendly waiter at my table. He welcomed me with a friendly "Bonjour"
and handed me over the menu. I responded his salutation and took
the menu with anticipation.
A gently breeze refreshed the air. The opulent branches of the mangrove tree
swayed in rtythm, the dense leaves rusted gently. I enjoyed the pleasent shady
chill and leaned back into the ratan chair with a sigh of deep satisfaction.


All rights belong to its author. It was published on e-Stories.org by demand of Jürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez.
Published on e-Stories.org on 02/28/2018.


The author


Book by Jürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez:


Emotionale Welten von Jürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez

In den Gedichten hat der Autor das lyrische "Ich" durch ein vorwiegendes lyrisches "Du" bzw. "Wir" ersetzt, was eine kollektive Nähe zum Geschehenen hervorruft.
Die sehr eindrücklichen Beschreibungen leben von den vielen Metaphern und Vergleichen.
Eine klare und leicht verständliche Sprache sowie wohlgeformte Reime ermöglichen dem Leser einen guten Zugang zu den Gedichten.
Etwas für Lyrik-Liebhaber und jene, die gerne über das Leben philosophieren. Eine kleine poetische Reise, die den Leser zum Verweilen und zum Nachdenken über den Sinn des Lebens einlädt.

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