Jürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez

Little Moments (Dawn)

It's still very early when I wake up. A colourful lively spectacle
accompanies the rising sun over the Indian Ocean. A lively
bird traffic already fills the fresh morning air under the still pale
blue horizon. Small groups of bright red orange birds (sparrow size)
fly in jerky rhythm (like breast swimmers, which swim in short respiratory
their orbits at regular intervals) pass me. I later learned that this
species here called Cardinal and in English Fody.
For quite some time now, approximately one hundred and fifty meters
from my terrace, Indian parrots meet to an early "come together"
on a tropical needle noun. Their plumage is of a light colour, slightly green.
To observe parrots in the wild from a terrace, one gets
not every day.

The large Frangipani tree provides the first shade. I'm getting closer to his
light yellow flowers. They exude a delicate floating scent. At the same
moment I am reminded of Sri Lanka. Here the blossoms are also used for temples so called temple flowers.
Buddhists use them to decorate the altars of their temples.
Of course I had seen Frangipani trees at their entrance portals.

The Indian Ocean is getting off to a rough start today. Like an old man
he's taking his time. After all in the past few days
was particularly irascible. Only the white waveband along the
coral reef seems to offer the morning silence a rushing scenery.
A small group of old Indian women, they wear traditional saris approaching the shore.
Each of them carries a blossom and a
little cup in his hand. Arrived at the sea they leave the flowers to the sea praying
and at the same time drawing sea water with their cups
and then pour it back into the sea. In this way they thank their godness
for the life and welcome the new day.
Satisfied and relaxed I walk towards the new day.


All rights belong to its author. It was published on e-Stories.org by demand of Jürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez.
Published on e-Stories.org on 03/20/2018.


The author


Book by Jürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez:


Emotionale Welten von Jürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez

In den Gedichten hat der Autor das lyrische "Ich" durch ein vorwiegendes lyrisches "Du" bzw. "Wir" ersetzt, was eine kollektive Nähe zum Geschehenen hervorruft.
Die sehr eindrücklichen Beschreibungen leben von den vielen Metaphern und Vergleichen.
Eine klare und leicht verständliche Sprache sowie wohlgeformte Reime ermöglichen dem Leser einen guten Zugang zu den Gedichten.
Etwas für Lyrik-Liebhaber und jene, die gerne über das Leben philosophieren. Eine kleine poetische Reise, die den Leser zum Verweilen und zum Nachdenken über den Sinn des Lebens einlädt.

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