Joseph Trance

God Made For Me An I.LP.

God Made me an I.L.P.
an  Individual  Life  Plan
Just for Me.

He gave me strengths and
Weakness too,
BUT surrounded me with people
Who would see me through.

He set up goals
For me to achieve
And gave me His Word
In which to believe.

He set up challenges along the way
So there wouldn't be a ME 
That could say,
 "I did it on my own."

He set up methods, 
And materials too,
set up circumstances
For me to live through.

He planned out my I.L.P.
from Glory to Glory
So that I could live out
MY Salvation Story.
 Thank YOU God,  for my I.L.P.
Thank YOU, God for LOVING Me..
             That much....


All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of Joseph Trance.
Published on on 10/21/2020.


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