[… On the incandescent forest the universe expresses itself:
water and fire, life and death embrace, glow and vibrate, sing;
... oh flower or moment that always has to return,
oh dazzling, oh immortal feast]
... my soul came from fighting against the year, from being born and dying,
to restructure the seas and memories with which to house the lights / lights:
the burning of the spirit;
... and, suddenly, the fall in huge, in majestic opening of the world
With notes and living bloods, burning in constellations,
the enormous pulse between heaven and earth,
the powers of the sun and sound,
a judgment of love and its sidereal voice,
the light, the light, the light,
and, also, my freedom shining there,
there and there, there, right there,
and equally at risk and trembling my breath and being, the air,
the beauty on fire in its orchard, the forest ...
... but, despite everything, and deep inside, my soul, tell me:
what appointment is this, to what death or ordeal I go and we go or to what rebirths ...,
- Talk to me and tell me, please, in an intimate whisper, very faint, very faint and quietly -
Why, my love, why does it break in, catch fire and create the world in you,
Because, why…".
Antonio Justel Rodriguez