... beyond the last seas, the last lands and lights,
you were;
... I entered my heart like a fire
and live roses came out to meet me when I said that Elaí was your name,
my faith and reason, and my last, my exalted glory;
she carried my drums, my labaros and lances, my strength and triumphs,
the earthly oil,
the command and being,
the lineage;
… And nothing was;
… In atriums of silence, under the purest light, on the other side of the blood, Love lives;
here, here is my Camelot, my Excalibur, and, also, my homeland and queen,
the one that dreams and shines,
my Elaí;
... therefore, still outside the walls and a pilgrim in the chest,
poor, naked and blind, I am alone;
ah living roses, to that one, to which is my soul,
Can you tell her that Ebor is dead and Ebor is calling her, can you?
Antonio Justel Rodríguez