Antonio Justel Rodriguez


[… all human beings, you are my friends]

… between intense waters-lights, I engender this ode, this hymn, this poem;
I feel cerebral flames entering the heart and wounding it, transcending it,
and like ponies of light on the Net, the words ride;
… a poem is much, much more than pure fire,
Well, what is a devouring sun that only living water calms, modulates and harmonizes…?
… When the spirit sets fire to being and in it declares its forces and powers burning,
hopelessly - and lofty among beauty - the soul faces a thousand lives and premature deaths:
under chords of war + the sword-word, which force-flower of sound,
maelstroms and conflagrations of gods, invoke the divine and supreme firstfruits of the world;
… tonight, being mine, get ready, then, and be reborn again,
be brave and build a hymn-light of water and fire, devise it and conceive it,
and if it were necessary to fall, be silent and die,
ah, get up then, and taking and taking up your Excalibur,
fight and fight desperately until you live and succeed;
… be mine: with your best value and honor, show yourself, show yourself to this son of gold,
and teach him to be born.

Antonio Justel-Rodriguez

All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of Antonio Justel Rodriguez.
Published on on 01/27/2022.


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