Doris Groiß

the admonition!

They shot at everyone who had a breath. 
Without distinction, whether young or old. 
"They shot at everyone who had a breath."
Groundless, extinguished, without a plan. 
Life lost, dreams of a human beeing, of a person, 
Hearts crumble in the dawn of the day. 
Groundless, senseless, extinguished. 
Life lost, dreams of a human beeing, of a 
beloved person, gone. 

And we, we purchase gas and oil? 
"And when is it our turn?" 
Groundless, extinguished, without a plan?
Our hearts crumble in the dawn of the day?


All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of Doris Groiß.
Published on on 04/07/2022.


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