Heinrich Baumgarten

Perfect Future Makes Past And Present Simple

Future, won’t you give to me a warrant of quality?
I can imagine but I don’t see:
Present keeps me thinking of the past.

I am sticking to the past, present is running fast.
Future is hope, but present is live.
Thoughts of future puncture present life.

Yesterday’s pains still pierce, today future sorrows look fierce.
We can imagine, but we don’t see.
Hope is dope, makes past and present fade.

Hypnotizing prophecy, self-fulfilling „Wait and see“:
Mortgage on reality is blackmail of today.
First instalment on the future:  N O W !


All rights belong to its author. It was published on e-Stories.org by demand of Heinrich Baumgarten.
Published on e-Stories.org on 06/13/2022.


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