Antonio Justel Rodriguez
... beats and trembles the air,
glow, live;
there is in him like a rapture upwards,
Like deep ecstasy
like a fiery flame of levitation;
oh, oh if you could observe with me this halo of inimitable light,
this gold outfit, its aesthetics, the infinity of soul;
... at what time, I say, at what instant of pure love catches fire and rises,
that gives everything and prints everything as a certain rubric that forgetting is in vain;
Mysterious living is this without knowing or seeing, as if breastplate, as if shield or dark abyss,
which stone-law, which rigor and faith, which severe and dual, which rough and hard hostel or lodging;
...and yet this splendor,
the architecture of this subtle and etheric flight,
together with a voice of inner fire that bursts forth with powerful force,
singing and burning with an energetic and brave verb, divine and redeeming;, no woman, no man will ever, ever be a dead lotus,
how else this total sublimity,
this enormous joy,
this flowering,
this genius,
this magnificent face,
this exalted contemplation of ineffable texture and immortal heartbeat.
Antonio Justel
All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of Antonio Justel Rodriguez.
Published on on 09/09/2022.