Doris Groiß

the golden table

I invite you all, come to my table, 
to my golden table. 

I give you all,I give you everything 
you need, a variety of food, vegetables, 
meat and wine. 

I give you land and goods, all that you 
hope for. Treasuries. 
I give you the stars from heaven. 

I give you all, a new life. 
Come to my table and eat, just 
eat, as much as you can, whether 
you are from the one country or 
from the neighboring country. 

Come, there is enough for everyone
on my table. 
Thus spoke SHE, the divine and 
all pain removing and comforting 

It is never too late for a good meal!


All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of Doris Groiß.
Published on on 09/21/2022.


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