... this calamity of my life, this exterminating blow of angels and roses,
this event that has entered my chest and has filled my blood with havoc
and the speech of heaven besieges me, shakes me and hurts;
...I don't want to exaggerate what loneliness is like while instructing,
or how the stupidity of time arrives and invades the shoulders,
arms, waist and feet stealthily, how he pulls on the madman's divan
because there are no birds left to pass through the window and the damage is great:
an unknown and uncontrolled constellation of axes and bodies, shrillness and orders;
I know that it is a time of minimal virtue and very few men,
a fray of wolves caged by and in my own cold;
… but I also know that this ruin of mine will pass, although to said resurrection
no one is summoned and the wolves howl at me hour by hour, day by day and year by year
through the tense and frozen veins of the heart;
… I, I believe in the life of my besieged bones;
where else will I build what I expect ?
where and how, if not, freedom?
Antonio Justel Rodriguex