Mathis H.

Heart of a Dragon

An alley dark, its late at night
The brightest thing a neon light
Which shines a bit and creates a shadow
An image burned in his head
The shot out of nowhere the flash of the muzzle
Illuminates the street and the last faces he saw from his mom and dad

So he proceeded the events that did happen
In the past of his life with the heart of a dragon
He saw things you can not imagine
He couldnt survive without his heart of a dragon

A boat in the middle of the sea
With a load of people on board
Too many to feel free
They're headed till east 
And so is a girl with her brother
A rising storm was the last moment they saw each other

So she proceeded the events that did happen
In the past of her life with the heart of a dragon
She saw things you can not imagine
She couldnt survive without her heart of a dragon

A couch in a basement
Her mind's still muzzy from the drink he gave her
But she will remember each thing soon or later
He continues as a broken man with a broken ego of despair
And she flees out of her body as protection
As he goes to get her

So she proceeded the events that did happen
In the past of her life with the heart of a dragon
She saw things you can not imagine
She couldnt survive without her heart of a dragon

All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of Mathis H..
Published on on 01/02/2023.


The author


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