Andre M. Pietroschek

The Witch I Fear! (Free Verse Poetic Musing)

The Witch I Fear! A free verse poetic musing.
© Andre Michael Pietroschek, all rights reserved 

The Witch I Fear:
No ill-reputed mortal woman she will be!
No ambitious Wiccan copycat of Crowley,
No fulfilling of Gerald Gardner’s scheme.

The Witch I Fear:
Is certainly not a stranger to treachery & betrayal.
Is not fleeing from big-city-trauma into the woods.
Is not busy juggling occult & science along her way.

The Witch I Fear:
Won’t ride a broomstick, nor cackle aloud at night.
Won’t ever be incautious, blatant, dumb, or sloppy.
Won’t care that lesser mortals even may shun her. 

The Witch I Fear:
Will not be undone by a cosmic horror creature.
Will not be shot dead by a dutiful County Sheriff. 
Will not be forgiving on those trying to thwart her.

The Witch I Fear:
Has crossed that threshold of mortality many years ago.
Has negotiated with Good & Evil on her terms of conduct.
Has progressed farther than any occult book could reveal!

The Witch I Fear:
Is a phenomenon, no longer just a nightmare expressed.
Is powerful beyond what mortal science considers possible.
Is aware she will still be here, when mankind has perished.

The Witch I Fear:
Won’t be your loony gardener turned drug dealer or poisoner.
Won’t be that psychologist building her criminal sect minions.
Won’t be caught by police, whenever I am too lazy, or too weak.

The Witch I Fear:
That is the witch, who swallowed her pride, on whatever side.
That is the witch living, not dabbling about, her witching path.
That is the witch, who I can certainly NOT survive once more!

Yeah, the witch we want to be true. Not the deranged gardener, not the drug-dealing prostitute in disguise...
In a way, it is cherishing the great performances of actors & actresses, some rare video games, and last but
not least my worldview against all odds.

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All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of Andre M. Pietroschek.
Published on on 02/15/2023.


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