Harry Schloßmacher

Only cameras effectively protect health,life andhumandignity!

(Finally an end to the secrecy in areas where health, life + dignity of many people are important) I.e. Cameras in all - operating rooms - intensive care units - retirement homes - nursing homes - publicly relevant shops + companies (because of disgusting meat) - on all public places - and the like more

Trickery, cover-up, omissions, wasting time +/or lack of staff from / at / in doctors, other staff, hospital administrations, insurance companies, management of age / Nursing homes, etc., are disclosed so quickly! The cameras document, among other things: a) Is my surgeon still sufficiently fit? b) In what condition does he operate - is he sober, for example? c) Is it also the doctor that was promised to me...or is it another and possibly a beginner? How else do you want to get your nose into it, with all this secrecy? The cameras can also be used to track exactly what a lack of staff can do in these important areas.

It is also not possible that around 40,000 innocent patients die every year from the notorious hospital germs MRSA.
In 10 years that is already 400,000 (! ! ) and in 25 years around 1 million (! ! ! ) willfully killed innocent patients.

Consistent, objective + comprehensive camera controls would quickly help to shed light on the previously secret error/kill darkness. And anyone who does not participate as a political decision-maker here should at least be accused of being an accessory to mass murder (eventually even murder?) or of "failing to provide assistance in thousands of cases"! !

This could then look like this: Full penalty for Federal Chancellor (main responsibility) Two-thirds penalty for Ministers (secondary/shared responsibility) One-third penalty for MPs involved (only limited responsibility)


Treatment errors by doctors or nursing staff can also be dealt with the best and fastest way be proven in court. A "wall of silence" (keyword: "One crow doesn't peck at the eye of the other...") can no longer hinder the discovery of the truth! After all, there are 600 - 700 deaths annually (according to the "Patient Safety Action Alliance"), also due to medical "malpractice" errors! ! And thousands suffer from consequential health damage ...


Until cameras are installed everywhere, doctors should at least take an oath explain or assure that an operation is only for purely diagnostic reasons! ! takes place and is not financially conditioned or in order to achieve a specified operational target more quickly. Objections from data protection officers in terms of privacy protection - which will then certainly be raised - are to be classified as subordinate. Because the protection of health + lives of people is the top priority!


Finally, a small EXCOURSE: > In a "democracy" are transparency and safety thinking MORE IMPORTANT than absolute protection of privacy and human rights. The citizens there want to be as protected as possible from terrorism, common crime, fraud, etc. In their opinion, a state cannot set up enough cameras everywhere. E.g. - in all places relevant to the public - in all shops and companies relevant to the public (such as meat factories, so that no disgusting meat can be produced) - in all operating rooms, so that no - sorry - bunglers, decrepit or drunk surgeons additionally endanger the health and life of the citizens. Possible "malpractice" can also be completely proven in this way (it was already described above). A "surveillance state" is not inherently a bad thing. Citizens of a "democracy" feel more comfortable there than on the contrary: the "night watchman state".


All rights belong to its author. It was published on e-Stories.org by demand of Harry Schloßmacher.
Published on e-Stories.org on 05/05/2023.


The author

Bild von Harry Schloßmacher


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