Joseph Trance

Purpose And Plan

There is purpose and plan 
for every man, 
 a path laid for You
before you were born,
that can clearly
be known so
you'll not be torn
and fret about
Your direction.

You might retort:
"That is not me,
and from the very thought
I must flee."
 Because life is So filled
With anxiety,
that what you say just cannot
Be! "

Look to God's Word
if  you don't believe
and read such words as:

"The steps of a righteous 
Man are ordered by God"
 " I have plans  to prosper you 
and not to harm you. "

Those are just two of So many more.
Search the Word, The Bible..
Filled with others galore.

So with a newly found  peace,
Let your anxieties cease.
There IS a greatness 
a purpose and plan,
If you're willing to  look
And then understand...

​​​​​​​The Word over your Life.


All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of Joseph Trance.
Published on on 05/20/2023.


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