Antonio Justel Rodriguez
EBOR Grail
... beyond the last seas, the ultimate lands and lights,
you were;
... I entered my heart like a fire
And living roses went to meet me when I said that Elaí was your name,
my faith and reason, and my last, my excelsa Gloria;
I was carrying my drums, my labaros and spears, my strength and triumphs,
earthly oil,
The command and be,
the lineage;
… And nothing was;
... in atriums of silence, under pure light, on the other side of blood, live love;
Here, here is my camelot, my excalibur, and, also, my homeland and queen,
The one that I dream and fulge
my elaí;
... therefore, still and pilgrim on the chest,
Poor, naked and blind, I'm just;
ah live roses, to that one, to which my soul is,
Can you tell him that Eborn has died and Ebor is calling him, can you?
Antonio Justel Rodríguez
All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of Antonio Justel Rodriguez.
Published on on 05/21/2023.