Harry Schloßmacher

New definition of "life" and very valuable humanity

Redefine "life"!:
Until now, metabolic processes, growth + reproduction were among the crucial components. That may be sufficient for one part of life - namely the biological part. But if we look at the whole thing from a fundamentally physical and philosophical point of view, things look quite different. Then only the criterion "movement/change" is relevant!

And why ?
Because wherever not the slightest movement/change is recognizable, there can only be death, rigidity + absolute nothingness. However, movement/change can already be found in massless particles such as quanta + photons - and to a gigantic extent. These are extremely lively or alive and therefore anything but dead (as they have been classified so far). And this also applies to many other phenomena.


Humans/intelligences (biological life ) = very rare ( As a species ! ! )
( At least on earth and compared to the hundreds of millions of animal species ! )
 At first glance, therefore, probably a rather unwanted child of mother nature - more waste product or collateral damage of evolution. But you can only think at first:

because this rarity makes these creatures extremely valuable on the other hand !!!

After all, hundreds of millions of animal species have not managed to produce intelligence in a total of 500 million years! !

The path to becoming a human being was extremely complicated + lengthy on earth. And if dinosaurs had survived to this day, we wouldn't exist.
It shouldn't be much different in the cosmos.

Quiet areas that allow life to develop for about 4 billion years are (according to current knowledge) very rare in space - because catastrophes, chaos, collisions and explosions dominate.

There would be a plausible explanation, at least for me, as to why our universe is so incomprehensibly huge (currently around 200 billion galaxies, each with around 200 billion stars):

Maybe not enough galaxies can form so that there can also be exotic species like civilizations ?

Let's not fool ourselves:
A universe without beings like us humans would be uncanny to the point of incomprehensible. We are the admirers, explorers, evaluators and already largely knowers of the universe. From the countless elementary particles (as important as they are otherwise), meteorites, storms, microbes, protozoa, plants, trees, cows, octopuses, dolphins, guinea pigs, etc., etc., nothing comes of it!


All rights belong to its author. It was published on e-Stories.org by demand of Harry Schloßmacher.
Published on e-Stories.org on 05/30/2023.


The author

Bild von Harry Schloßmacher


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