Joseph Trance

When I Saw Him Hanging There

To the tune of "She Was Just 17" by the Beatles.

He was just 33
when they nailed Him
to a tree
And they way He looked 
Was way beyond compare
How could I Love any other
when I saw Him hanging there.

He looked at me and I
I could see 
that before too long
I'd fall in love with Him...

I'll never love any other
Since I saw Him hanging there

Well my heart went boom
as  I began to swoon 
As He held His eyes to
how could I love any other
Since I saw Him
hanging there.

HE was just 33
when they nailed Him
to a tree and before
too long I fell in Love with Him
How could I love any other
Since I saw Him hanging there. 

Then as I  held Him all night
He took away my fright
and the Peace I felt was way
Beyond compare...
I'll never Love ANY other
since I saw Him hanging 
Since I saw Him hanging there...


All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of Joseph Trance.
Published on on 08/27/2023.


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