12. Ghasala
Still, my eye is full of sleep
Yet already the morning has thrown its stone
Into the cradle of the night
Dawn opens its black curtain
Light flows from the morning red
The ball of the sun displays its head
And on the silver edge of the sea
Aurora paints her watercolor in bright red
The golden morning greeting caresses the rose, its blossom
The day awakens
Accept the gift of life
Sprung from the Master's hand
And praise His goodness
Welcome, my love
You strength, you pure light
And fill the chambers of my heart
13. Ghasala
The tree of love sways its leaves
In wind and storm's embrace
Through damp earth it creeps
A tiny worm's heartfelt race
From blossoms, all bees sip
Love's nectar in every hue
To the harp's tune, grasses flute
Rustling ears and winds that blew
Nature's song, a symphony true
To its rhythm, love dances anew
Oh, world's creator
World's upholder too
14. Ghasala
You are the hem of life
The thread of love in my garments
You are the star of all lights
The order of horizons in all universes
You are the fruit of all trees
The sweet forests of love's dreams
You are the bud of all the freshly in love
The longing bloom of all feelings
You are the sea of all my storms
The adventure of life for all seekers of love
You are to me the word you've given
The language to form your words into sentences
The letter of my love
As you've written it down
All rights belong to its author. It was published on e-Stories.org by demand of Jürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez.
Published on e-Stories.org on 09/03/2023.
Emotionale Welten
von Jürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez
In den Gedichten hat der Autor das lyrische "Ich" durch ein vorwiegendes lyrisches "Du" bzw. "Wir" ersetzt, was eine kollektive Nähe zum Geschehenen hervorruft.
Die sehr eindrücklichen Beschreibungen leben von den vielen Metaphern und Vergleichen.
Eine klare und leicht verständliche Sprache sowie wohlgeformte Reime ermöglichen dem Leser einen guten Zugang zu den Gedichten.
Etwas für Lyrik-Liebhaber und jene, die gerne über das Leben philosophieren.
Eine kleine poetische Reise, die den Leser zum Verweilen und zum Nachdenken über den Sinn des Lebens einlädt.
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