Rolph David

The Three Sieves

In haste, a fellow hurried, with a message to share,
"I've news to impart, involving a wise affair."
The sage interjected, with sagacity profound,
"Before you proceed, have you sifted thoughts
through 3 sieves and sound?"
"Three sieves?" the man asked, a curious stage,
"Yes, three sieves," the sage said, setting the pace.
"Is your message quite true?" with a knowing face,
"Is it real and certain, fit for the page?"
"I heard it myself," the man spoke with a blaze,
"Very well, but did you sift through goodness's grace?
"If unkind it proves, then keep it hidden from the fray,"
The sage's wisdom shines, guiding all along their way.
The man hesitated, "No, it's not good," he had to say,
"Then one sieve remains," the sage smiled on the way,
"Is it important and necessary, come what may?
Does the world stand to benefit, is there a foray?"
"It's neither vital nor crucial, I must confess,"
The man sighed, his burden light, his mind at rest.
The sage nodded kindly, "In that case, I suggest,
Let such matters lie dormant, in silence, find your rest."

All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of Rolph David.
Published on on 10/28/2023.


The author


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