Jürgen Wagner

A star appeared to me

A star appeared to me
Turned out to be a key
To live and understand
The world so vast and grande

It let me recognise
Escape and realize
To open my heart wide
Drew me on peoples side

It feels as if at meal
The Holy Christ is real
To share one's thanks and gifts
To feel, who one truly is

All rights belong to its author. It was published on e-Stories.org by demand of Jürgen Wagner.
Published on e-Stories.org on 12/04/2023.


The author

Bild von Jürgen Wagner


Book by Jürgen Wagner:


Kraftorte der Natur im Spiegel der Volksmärchen von Jürgen Wagner

10 Kraftplätze (Bach, Berg, Baum, Brunnen, See, Wald, Höhle, Sumpf, Hügel und sakraler Ort) mit 12 Märchen erzählt und ausgelegt

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