Jürgen Wagner

The Stone Soup

Once it was a Celtic warrior
In deep winter, homeward bound
Having eaten naught for ages
Carrying a pot, that he had found

He entered a village, kindled fire
Placed in the pot a stone so bare
Added water, simmered a soup
'A pinch of salt would make it fair! '

A villager willingly brought the spice
'So welcome our meal-maker! 
Still a carrot and slices of bread! '
They were donated by the baker

A chicken leg would be so fine
Some herbs and grains also to add
A perfect soup, that we could dine
And everyone would be so glad

So many came and spent a little
'Cause stone soup, it was unknown here
They all ate and all were filled
Only one thing remained so clear: 

The stone, the starting spark of all
Must carefully be wrapped in cloth 
In case someone would ask or call
In our days it's hope and troth

All rights belong to its author. It was published on e-Stories.org by demand of Jürgen Wagner.
Published on e-Stories.org on 12/20/2023.


The author

Bild von Jürgen Wagner


Book by Jürgen Wagner:


Spiegelungen des Daseins: HImmel und Erde: Hommage an das Leben von Jürgen Wagner

Die Gedichte aus den Jahren 2013-16 erzählen von der ‚Hochzeit‘ von Himmel und Erde. Ob in der kraftgebenden Schärfe des Rettichs oder in der Vitalität der Jahrtausende schon lebenden Eibe, ob in der Weisheit alter Geschichten oder im Wunder der Liebe, ob in spirituellen Erfahrungen oder in den Weiten des Alls: überall begegnen sich Licht und Dunkel, oben und unten. Unsere gewohnte Alltagswelt bekommt etwas von ihrem wahren Glanz wieder, wenn wir uns ein Stück dafür öffnen.

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