Harry Schloßmacher

PART-2b_God, humanity and the grains of sand



"PART-2a_Cosmos-Extreme magician gives earthlings a proper lecture"

the cosmic dimensions are mainly described. So that even those who don't have the slightest idea of ​​the unimaginable dimensions of the super-gigantic universe can understand it, here is a simple, short earthly example:



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... A large load of sand is quickly unloaded. In the middle of the huge pile,
Sandkorn-1 says: "You, I'm something very special. The driver will only take care of me."


Neighbor-Grain-of-Sand-2: "He's gone again! Besides, you can't be found in this incredibly large amount of sand grains. And why should he prefer you then? You're crazy! The driver has a lot of other and better things to do than to deal with just a grain of sand."


 Grains of Sand 3 + 4: "Hello! Hello! We're still here too. Then he has to take care of us too." Like an ever-propagating wave, more and more grains of sand are now shouting: "And us? What about us? Are we not counting??" Until finally the entire sand hill is in turmoil.


 Again Sandkorn-1 "It's all poplar nonsense from our colleagues. We don't really care about that. The only thing that's important is the statement: I'm also his, the driver's, image/mirror image!"


 Sandkorn-2 "! The also. Yes definitely. Another crazy idea from you. A grain of sand looks very similar to the driver. I laugh out loud. And then you also want to be able to drive a truck!? That's so stupid. The only thing you are for sure: you are a damn megalomaniacal, tiny + arrogant grain of sand - no more, my friend...no more !"


Sandkorn-1 "And where is the driver now? What is he doing now? ?


Sandkorn-2 "We don't know, we can't know and will probably never find out! "


You've probably figured it out yourself :

 The driver here stands for the creator

-- grain of sand-1 for parts of humanity

and all other grains of sand imitate other civilizations



All rights belong to its author. It was published on e-Stories.org by demand of Harry Schloßmacher.
Published on e-Stories.org on 12/28/2023.


The author

Bild von Harry Schloßmacher


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