Antonio Justel Rodriguez
…as if another age or another time or wrong dispensation had come and was harassing us:
with pain and usury,
like this, like this the air goes;
because what, what is the commitment of this enormous spiritual winter,
this landslide,
this soul cold,
this land divided in two and in ruins;
Maybe so many harsh centuries and nothing was worth it?
Was man a field of gigantic trials and glories and we didn't know it?
Who, who were we and where were we, in what and why?
... woe, woe to me and to us, who still love the pus of darkness, its dregs and depth,
this consequence, I say, the act with its strict effect of power:
these hours;
... therefore, the street is a tremor,
a tremor on cell phones, radios, televisions, social networks,
and a tremor also shakes the UN, the parliaments, the prisons, the very humble PVC tables
and the light without light:
the heart;
Winter will last as long as the battle lasts;
…I close, then, and like that, words and memories and their blinds fall;
I look for joy and only find cold, cold and cold, only cold.
Antonio Justel/Orion of Panthoseas
All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of Antonio Justel Rodriguez.
Published on on 02/02/2024.