Rolph David

Anne's Inglorious End - A Sonnet!

Her last moving thoughts

Amidst the path that leads to my demise,
I walk with trembling heart and weary soul,
Each step a burden 'neath the watchful eyes,
Of those who thirst for blood, their hearts unwhole.

The scaffold looms, its sight a chilling sight,
The executioner's sword, a gleaming dread,
I fear the pain that comes with one swift strike,
As life's thin thread is severed, leaving me dead.

Before the crowd, who jeer and mock my name,
I stand with dignity, though fear does gnaw,
My thoughts beseech the heavens as I aim
To find some solace in this final straw.

Pray for me, good Christian souls, I plea,
As I depart this world, my spirit's free.

All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of Rolph David.
Published on on 04/04/2024.


The author


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