Harry Schloßmacher
SO I'MSITTING HEREWITH A BEERStoryfromtheexcitinglysweetmouse
So I'm sitting here with a beer - look at the likeable woman next to me.
But I can't manage to say anything to her - even though thoughts plague me.
We look and smile and smile and look...and I would like to pick her a rose:
Because she is totally my type, yes she is my type!
I'm sitting here now, having my second beer - look back at the friendly woman next to me.
I still can't manage to say anything to her - although more thoughts plague me.
I would love to talk to her; but I'm - sorry - somehow wrong today.
Then she waves to the waiter...and I think my game is up.
Now I'm sitting on my third beer when this woman suddenly stands in front of me
- looks at me nicely and carefully places her (business) card on the table.
But I still can't make a sound from this excitingly sweet mouse.
"I see you can't manage to say anything to me here - on the phone, you'll probably be better off.
Then bye! I'll definitely hear from you in the next few days..."
Machine translation ! ! !
All rights belong to its author. It was published on e-Stories.org by demand of Harry Schloßmacher.
Published on e-Stories.org on 04/25/2024.