Antonio Justel Rodriguez
Carlitooosss, Carlooosss...!!!
It is, it is still my mother from the window:
sudden widow and cleaner of snot and filth of every stripe and scope,
That was her, that was my mother;
...and if she didn't know that she burned her breath and also her hands and her life to raise me,
if I were not certain that she tore the gale from her body from her soul
to have me between her eyes...,
Today, constantly and thundering inside me, this voice would not come out telling me:
Cain, Cain, what have you done with your mother...???
“... you will go to school, the best one, and you will be a lawyer,” she told me, taking my hand,
crying, choking and falling when we returned from my father's funeral;
...and what a shame,
what serpent of colors and death touched me on the shoulder when I was a lawyer,
In what swamp of oblivion I submerged my dazzling triumph with the law
and I usurped and usurped my hours of the illusory brilliance of her,
What nonsense, Great God! what a vile betrayal, what a calamity and what, what a black plot!
... I tremble and burn in cold, in fear and loneliness, I am dying, mother;
... do you remember ? on that green and checkered rubber stretcher,
hand in hand we played ludo and checkers on Sunday afternoons;
I love you, I love you and I will always, always love you, mother...!
… And yet, she continues, continues and continues wherever you are and do not look out:
Now, on Sundays, they don't come, they don't exist;
and, furthermore, if they kill us, this lumpen of mine does not give it the slightest importance;
no, don't come mother, don't come from the other side
Don't even look out the window of my life anymore,
Don't come closer or call me, mother, don't want to see me,
No, don't show up, no, baby, no, please, baby, don't do it or see me,
No, don't ever come back.
Antonio Justel/Orion of Panthoseas
All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of Antonio Justel Rodriguez.
Published on on 05/07/2024.