Rolph David

A Tale of Two Childhoods!

Rotund with want, they gorge and gnaw,
Fed fat on endless greed,
Their gluttony the law they know,
Yet blind to those in need.

In neon rooms, they whine and sneer,
Demanding ever more,
They feast on tech and wasted cheer—
Each gift a hollow chore.

A child afar in ragged rags,
Eyes bright despite the strain,
Knows hunger’s gnaw and cold wind's stabs,
Yet never would complain.

They treasure crumbs and threadbare dreams,
Each day a battle fought—
Their joy arises not from schemes,
But in the hope they’ve caught.

Where clear taps flow, they sip and waste,
Their gluttony a sin—
They turn away, with bored distaste,
Unmoved by what they win."

Yet where the dust-choked rivers crawl,
Bare feet wade in to drink—
They give what little they can haul,
Content with scant a blink.

One day the world may turn its back,
And strip their wealth away—
Then they’ll confront the cold, hard fact:
Their greed’s the price they pay.

But those who live with dirt and rags
Still find in life some peace—
For in their hearts where hope still flags,
Gratitude won’t cease.

All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of Rolph David.
Published on on 08/18/2024.


The author


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