Rolph David

The Tyrants We Were Warned About!

The greed of Macbeth’s grasp still haunts our day,
In Putin’s war, where power trumps the right.
Like Richard, Trump bends truth to clear his way,
Both rise through lies and darkness shuns the light.

Erdogan’s rule, like Caesar’s Antony,
Stirs crowds through fear, divides to hold his reign.
Xi, calm as Claudius, kills silently,
His velvet hand conceals a steely chain.

In Hungary, Orbán like Iago schemes,
To twist the mind and feed division’s fire.
Kim’s twisted pride, like Lear’s mad kingship dreams,
Brings ruin near, though cloaked in fierce desire.

Lukashenko, through treachery and art,
Keeps Belarus in tyranny’s tight clasp.
Like desperate rulers, driven by foul heart,
He clings to power with a ruthless grasp.

These modern despots thrive in shadows grim,
Where lessons lost from Shakespeare's age still sting.
If Hamlet’s doubt or Brutus’ wary whim
Had reigned, we’d know the price that tyrants bring.

But virtue fails when crowds choose hate and pride,
And justice bends beneath deceitful guile.
The timeless truth, ignored or cast aside:
Unchecked, corruption spreads like rank defile.

The warnings buried deep in Shakespeare’s play
Are written still in every failed regime.
Had we just learned from ages past, today
We’d see the death of every tyrant’s dream.

All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of Rolph David.
Published on on 08/25/2024.


The author


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