Rolph David

Where Love Falls...

Love finds its way to houses marked with scars,
Where shutters creak, and floors are warped and bent,
It sets its roots where others leave their bars,
In places thick with grief and discontent.

It clings to those who’ve wandered far from light,
Who shuffle through their days with lowered heads,
Who trace their lives by broken lines at night,
And sleep on dreams that crumble in their beds.

Yet still, love sends its shoots through thorn and stone,
Through cracks in walls and windows left ajar,
It tangles with the rust and weeds overgrown,
And reaches up toward a distant star.

For love finds bloom where most would fear to tread,
And flowers deep in ground long thought as dead.

All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of Rolph David.
Published on on 09/01/2024.


The author


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