Antonio Justel Rodriguez


 [… ad exemplum: Pandora papers, Lehman Brothers) …and they are here, they are here…!!!
among those merchants, the money changers and pigeon sellers, have returned;
there is no doubt, they are, specialized today in “hedge funds” and “subprime” mortgages, builders of derivative packages, toxic assets, pure corrosives to oppress the world with poison/darkness, poison/risk, poison/fraud and their aftermath of fear, unemployment and poverty, illness and madness;
they are the ones who occupy the tall skyscrapers and impeccable offices in the “cities”, those who by radio waves and in a single instant devour states, continents, and advance and advance like invisible and terrible monsters with absolute impunity;
…and they are often close associates of judges and ministers, philanthropists and clerics, of heads of state and government, luminaries, social leaders and the cream of the crop of the media, often adorable and unique, inimitable, these are the current merchants, money-changers and pigeon-sellers, enemies of Christ and today sweetly called “markets” and “investors”, those who attack deficits, national debts and the future, the peace of the human being, his blood and heart;
…and nobody, nobody holds them guilty because they are the system, lobbies of this work or the voice of the master demanding and imposing terrors, deregulations, sealed connivances, ignominies and wars;
they are the terrorists and financial hitmen - our own brothers - the same, exactly the same ones who abhor man, beautify the stones and manure the temple;
…striking and shaking him, there is a cry anchored with resentment and rage in the West and the problem is not forgiveness, for there will be forgiveness, but how, how to use the living sword damaging the temple or wounding freedom.
[Final Summa: “ah, look at them, modern merchants no longer implore, no longer tremble;
… sadly, I attest”] *** Antonio/Orion de Panthoseas htt

All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of Antonio Justel Rodriguez.
Published on on 10/19/2024.


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