Rolph David

America’s Final Hour: Vote Against the Tyrant!

The seat is set, the court aligned, a bench of loyal hands,
Built years ago to serve his will and bind the nation’s strands.
The promise of a "trifecta" rings through every twisted plan—
The Senate, House, and White House seized, all bending to one man.

A tyrant clothed in freedom’s name, he laughs at checks and laws,
Determined now to strip each branch of power and righteous cause.
Agencies that serve the land—EPA, IRS—
Will lie in ruins, gutted shells, dismantled and oppressed.

First go the scientists charting warming seas and skies,
Erased along with evidence that dares expose his lies.
Next, health inspectors guarding what we daily eat and drink,
Replaced by loyal puppets who will watch the nation sink.

And those who came for refuge here, with dreams of honest days—
By National Guard, by secret force, will swiftly be erased.
Deportations swift and merciless, all mercy cast aside,
An iron wall against the world, a cage for those inside.

And yet, while wealth and power swell within the privileged few,
The middle class will bear the cost—taxed higher, split in two.
Austerity for those in need, no help for schools or care,
While funds for fossil fuel will rise, polluting land and air.

He swears that freedoms will endure, but speaks with poisoned breath,
For what is freedom, once he’s free to sentence life to death?
Laws that guard a woman’s right, the choice she has to make,
Will fall before his twisted might, his order’s cold dictate.

The Justice he would handpick next, to lead at his command,
An interim without consent, a pawn to shape the land.
And should this “minister of truth” dare question or resist,
He’ll simply find another soul to add to his dark list.

Imagine now a nation where dissent becomes a crime,
Where voices fall to silence in a fractured, broken time.
Each vote that casts him back to power aids his ruthless reign;
Each ballot marked for tyranny will heighten all our pain

America, the choice is yours: will freedom die or live?
If you, the people, prize your rights, then fight to rise and give
A vote against the one who’d tear down all that’s just and fair.
Let tyrants tremble, knowing well the people still do care.

All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of Rolph David.
Published on on 11/03/2024.


The author


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