Harry Schloßmacher

14 important questions about a possible afterlife__PART--2

"Critical on afterlife research and its attempts - with the help of radio waves, tapes and TV monitors - to capture voices and images from the afterlife")

9) Does the often overused transmigration of souls actually exist or is it just a wishful image to prolong one's earthly existence? A small digression seems important to me: I have heard many people who claim to have already lived. What they all have in common is that the experiences that their souls report on date back a maximum of 300 years! So their souls and not themselves! - With a spirit wandering from creature to creature, humans can logically only be the fleeting mouthpiece, a kind of medium with whose help the soul articulates its "life story". However, the above-mentioned short period of time is suspect for an immortal soul. The question remains unanswered as to what she previously experienced on Terra (or elsewhere) and in the partial eternity before her earthly/cosmic "materialization".

10) Do only humans and comparable species from other worlds have a soul or do all creatures in general? Do representatives of terrestrial and extraterrestrial flora also have a soul?

11) Are there not just the 3 dimensions we know, but 4 or even more dimensions in space? Are there perhaps also many universes? Are black holes actually gateways to other worlds?

12) Are there intelligences on other planets? If so, how and where do they live? What is their external condition - what is their mental and emotional structure? Which are totally exotic and which are similar to species we know?

13) Has the soul been able to find out how and why the universe (with all its beings and phenomena) came into being? What actually happened in the time before the Big Bang (about 14 billion years ago) when there was no universe, at least ours did not exist? And what was God doing at this time when there was obviously no significant divine activity to be noticed - the universe was perhaps only filled with a huge primordial gas cloud for a long time??

14) We are in a hypergigantic material universe with at least 100 billion galaxies times 100 billion suns (roughly the galaxy average) - and the assumed large number of planetary star companions has not even been taken into account! It is permissible to ask the inhabitants of the "soul kingdom" why this unimaginably large material intermediate station called the cosmos was created if the origin and goal (and thus also the center of gravity) of all being are of a spiritual nature? If there were only a few stars, the accent of divine work would be understandable on a different level of being. But there is said material gigantism, with worlds "a dime a dozen" - and this shouldn't just give us pause. What do souls say about this blatant contradiction?

Etc., etc. ...

Apart from God, for me the physically dead would be the ones who actually know, if they continue to live in some form. An actual contact with them, the “celestial beings”, should be extremely interesting and offer thinking, questioning people unimagined possibilities. Among other things, answers to the above-mentioned questions that no human being has been able to give so far and probably no future scientist will be able to answer (with a few reservations). But if researchers from the afterlife do not receive answers to these questions from “their” spirits, the whole thing would be highly questionable. Because, as I said, in order to hear banalities and "wisdom" of the format "... Then I was gently lifted up - as if on wings", no research into the afterlife is required.

Such statements can easily come from our imagination, especially since they correspond to the ancient, probably strongest human longing: a (pleasant) life after death. These messages are also very easy to construct and are completely harmless and technically problem-free to display on the receiving devices! Anyone can produce unclear (original) voices on the radio and deliberately blurred (original) images on the TV monitor. With audio tapes or video recorders (researchers' first TV pictures of the afterlife have only been available since they came onto the market !! ?? ...) you can also create wonderful illusions and do everything for "spontaneous demonstrations "Immortalize: There is often a striking similarity to the appearances of researchers from the afterlife ;-)) ...

Machine translation  ! ! !


All rights belong to its author. It was published on e-Stories.org by demand of Harry Schloßmacher.
Published on e-Stories.org on 11/21/2024.


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