Annkatrin Rothe

True Love

I’m gonna tell you what real love is, Because I know what I feel is real, Real love, Because only real love is that deep, That painfully at the same time. I love you so dear, More then anyone else, More then even the people that love me, More than anything else on this planet, But you don’t love me back, You don’t even care about me, My pain does not even bother you t all, Because it doesn’t impact your life, But it does impact my life , It does hurt me so much, I can even think about anything else, My love is to strong, To strong to escape, You could kill everyone that loves me, My friends, my family, u could kill anyone, I would still love you the same, I cant stop these feelings anymore, And I know I wasn’t able to stop them ever before This is real love, Real love can hurt, I love you, but you don’t love me back, It’s lways gonna be this way, Nothing is gonna change, Because I cant just throw my love away, I know you’re a bad person, My mind knows, But my heart cant stop loving you, It doesn’t matter what you do to me, It doesn’t matter what you do to anyone, Since my love is so strong, So strong its gonna last, Its gonna last forever, You don’t take a shit for me, But I care, I love you in a way, I don’t love anybody else, In a way that painfull and wonderfull t the same time, Painfull because I cant stand you hurting me anymore, Wonderfull because my love is the greatest feeling, Which I ever felt, But I cant stand the pain, Im too weak, Just kill, Kill me, Kill me, I don’t know what happens when a human dies, But I know my love cant die, It lasts forever, Its always gonna be there, Its gonna be in my soul, If somethink like this exists, If not its still gonna be there, And love you forever, Even when you die, I’ll always gonna love you, And that’s why I take this pain, This love comes out of the root of my heart, Its too strong to fight it, An onesided love, This is strongest type, because its so deep, so deep I cant get over it, I don’t care if I loose anything, Because of my true feelings, Nothings gonna change, This love will be there forever . . . The one and only true love of my heart . . . I love you . . .

All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of Annkatrin Rothe.
Published on on 04/27/2007.


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