Joseph Trance


Every time I lie,
I pound another nail,
and secure His dy-ing.

For every impure thought,
I add to the crucifixton,
which was bought,
with His blood.

For every anger that
I feel,
His death for
me, becomes more real.

Two thousand years
have come and gone,
and with every sin,
I spit upon, the Cross.

The Father knew what I
would be..
He was the One
who created me.

Yet still He sent
His only Son,
and in doing that
a Victory was won.

For even in my sinful state
I realize how truly Great,
the sacrifice He did for me.

"Forgive me, Father,"
my Heart does cry
"for everytime, I have
let sin stop by."

His Love, convicts me
of all sin, and I strive
to be pure again...and again..
and again..

In That, still there is
His victory's win.


All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of Joseph Trance.
Published on on 12/20/2011.


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