4/20/2012 R.M.J.
Someone that at first is considered a gift to man although
in this time and other,s is now considered a troublesome Burden
them that they call the Female,the Woman.
Even now in this time , that problem linger,s, seemingly in 99%
of a relationship, one of our main problem,s is our unmanned,male,s,
Our manning selves we like that,male Motivation.
A woman is habitual,at motivating herself and male,s , most men
fell to realize that, the strenght of a woman, and her technic,s of
Woman, a conning, canniving, selfcentered, selfish individual, she
demand,s Attention, and is habitual, in using her way,s , to gain that ,
that attention.
Using her Femeninty way,s that she was taught to use to persu-
She is taught to walk the walk, taught to talk the talk to persu-
ade, him or them to do, her bidding.
She is The Suductress, The temptress, The FUNDLER,
She Is The SHE-OLD, The SHE-LO.
" Sacret To My Heart"
Written By: R.M.J
All rights belong to its author. It was published on e-Stories.org by demand of Rufus Murry Jr.
Published on e-Stories.org on 04/21/2012.
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