Harry Schloßmacher

We have to mess with "Mother Nature" tremendously!

Nature is such a gigantic machinery of ideas and actions, such as an endless history of origins and rejection, that we have not yet been able to say what goal (goals?) it is ultimately pursuing. Only one thing would have to be feared or observed: that nature is much more species-oriented than individual-oriented! For example, for a better gene mixing of the species, we have SEX - but we pay the highest price for it: our lives !!! Also an important reason why the individual can no longer and should not rely on "Mother Nature". If we want to live at least potentially forever one day, then we simply have to botch it biologically and technically enormously...

Nature is a multi-edged affair with many positive and negative aspects and ramifications. Nature produces a lot that is pleasant, very beautiful, but also enormously ugly, extremely brutal. So only a fool can claim: Everything that comes from "Mother Nature" is good and beautiful and makes sense FOR US HUMANS. And nothing and no one should mess with her at any time. With this consequence, all medical practices, hospitals, fire brigades, dams, etc. would have to be closed or dissolved immediately; because there nature - and indeed its excesses - is constantly being fought or counteracted!

Nature is such a gigantic machinery of ideas and actions as well as an endless history of origins and rejection that we have not yet been able to say which goal (goals?) it is ultimately pursuing. Only one thing would have to be feared or considered: that nature is much more species-oriented than individual-oriented. A concept for over one hundred billion galaxies with trillions of planets and their trillions of creatures can only show the main paths and take into account the large units.
And it may be that this rough thinking makes sense in a higher sense, is justified as it is necessary. However, it is of little use to the recognizing, thinking and sensitive individual that he has to die for all time just so that his species can achieve hereditary advantages.

Numerous generations had to die out like species died out until nature on earth evolved a being potentially capable of high intelligence and capable of enormous technical possibilities. And only this pairing puts people in a position to jump off nature's footsteps and go better, more individual paths.
We should also go our own way (best and most effectively in a science state) because nature does not obviously favor us. For example, the virtually bodiless disease and epidemic viruses demand no fewer human than animal sacrifices! And should we ever want to eradicate diseases, epidemics and individual death altogether, we have to botch nature's work here too! For our biological body is an all too willing and quick victim of those major evils of nature. As wonderful as it is often to look at and as flexible as it moves our brain, supplies itself with nutrients in a clever way, etc.. Even in natural disasters (such as earthquakes, conflagrations, floods, avalanches, etc.), a purely natural affected body has very bad cards. The high numbers of human sacrifices year after year speak for themselves.

As long as a major project 'art body man' (if possible in the "science state") as a total intervention in nature is not aimed at, the (controlled, positively goal-oriented) genetics as an interim solution is also a very sensible and helpful intervention in human nature...


All rights belong to its author. It was published on e-Stories.org by demand of Harry Schloßmacher.
Published on e-Stories.org on 06/17/2023.


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