A young man sought a Zen master's guide
'How long does it last', he eagerly cried
Till I find freedom and peace of mind
Till I'm enlightened, compassionate and kind? '
'Perhaps ten years, ' the master replied
'But if I trie hard, how many will abide? '
'In that case it could take two decades! '
'But I really take hardship at any grades! '
The master looked at him eagle-eyed
'In this case it would be the longest ride
I forecast you fourty long years arriving
If you don't let go your effort and striving'
All rights belong to its author. It was published on e-Stories.org by demand of Jürgen Wagner.
Published on e-Stories.org on 12/21/2023.
Kraftorte der Natur im Spiegel der Volksmärchen
von Jürgen Wagner
10 Kraftplätze (Bach, Berg, Baum, Brunnen, See, Wald, Höhle, Sumpf, Hügel und sakraler Ort) mit 12 Märchen erzählt und ausgelegt
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