Patrick Rabe

Beeing a lefty in a left wing Fascist Country

Being a lefty in a left wing Fascist Country

Around me only brainwashed guys and nazis,
and neighbours shooting pics like paparazzis,
I'm demoralized and start to talk to phantoms,
I've even shot my wife "Computer Random".

I often cry, but I can keep it steady,
becomin' a thin white duke just like my daddy.
When I look at pictures, that I sometimes take,
I see a nobleman, who still looks great.

I've been born for freedom, music sessions,
not for this new born system of repressions.
I write my poems in the days of theese
into the face of nut-house and police.

© by Patrick Rabe

written on Friday, 7/28 2023 in Hamburg.

The line where I notice the thin white duke, pays hommage to David Bowie, although it has nothing to do with him, but with my father, of whom an auntie of mine always said: "He looks like a nobleman." The line "I even shot my whife "Computer Random" quotes the Rolling-Stones-Song "2000 Man". I guess, Mick Jagger meant something similar. Sometimes nowadays, I feel like the mid-aged Bob Dylan, his Albums, which he did between 49 and 70 I listen a lot to at the Moment. I even understand the quick changes in his mood, when he left his loneliness and went on tour, or gave an interview. In the Interview to "Time out of mind" in the germen Rolling Stone he seems quite eloquent and - as the Interviewer says - unfaked happy and humourus. I am a little like that, too. I guess, it has to do with a basic disposition for melancholy and the fact, that somebody with a wide mind often thinks deeply about all the problems of the world. I find a lot of comfort, enlightment and wisdom in Dylan's Songs. And I like his last effords "Rough and rowdy ways" and "Shadow Kingdom" very much. In "Shadow Kingdom" he even parries the anti-judaish myth of the "copies, that run over". He does that in a very nice and sympathetic way. Even this little changed line in "When I paint my masterpiece" has so many diffrent ways of possible Interpretation, that you are left astonnished by Dylans Genius. He helps me a lot with all of his songs. And the Stones and other classic Rock Bands, too.

Translation into German

Die Situation eines echten Linken in einem linksgetünchten Faschistenland

Um mich herum nur gehirngewaschene Typen und Nazis,
und Nachbarn, die Fotos von mir schießen wie Paparazzis,
ich bin demoralisiert und beginne, mit Phantomen zu sprechen,
ich habe sogar meine Frau "Computer Random" erschossen.
Ich weine oft, doch ich halte mich ganz gut,
werde ein schlanker, weißer Herzog wie mein Papa.
Wenn ich mir Bilder angucke, die ich manchmal mache,
dann sehe ich einen Adligen, der immer noch gut aussieht.
Ich bin geboren für Freiheit, Musiksessions,
und nicht für dieses neue System der Unterdrückung.
Ich schreibe meine Gedichte in diesen Tagen
in das Gesicht von Klapsmühle und Polizei.

© by Patrick Rabe, Freitag, 28. Juli 2023, in Hamburg.


All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of Patrick Rabe.
Published on on 07/28/2023.


The author



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