Harry Schloßmacher

Forget UFOs,TVAncientAliens+TERRA ETexperiences of all kinds!



All  nonsense !!!



They tell us from hyped short-term UFO sightings.

Or speculated that alien bodies were kept hidden in "Area 51".

Some contemporaries even claim to have slept with extraterrestrials. Etc., etc..


Or in the TV series "Ancient Aliens" it is explained that the Cheops pyramid must be much older. Why? Because otherwise the period between the construction of the first Saqqara Pyramid and that of the Cheops Paramid would only be 8 years. And this is far too small to explain the enormous progress made by humans in the construction of the latter.

In "Ancient Aliens" it is also claimed that only aliens can be capable of this (quick) technical perfection in the Cheops pyramid. A portrait carving of the grandiose construction supervisor, Imoteph, is then also shown. His special head shape is said to be less human...


Only those who seriously believe all this nonsense must know that their extraterrestrials must be idiots! For what reason??

Because no super-advanced technical intelligence flies centuries or millennia to an exo-planet,


just to erect a building there!?!?

Or shagging an earthly woman...

Or to say hello with a UFO.


It's also funny that it's always about isolated phenomena that only a few see. An actually alien appearance of an technical superpower here would certainly be globally noticeable and exceedingly powerful, spectacular and enduring. They don't take on the unimaginable hardships and risks of a flight spanning centuries or millennia just to hide here and play puzzle games.

Experts even think that biological beings are unsuitable for very long space flights for many reasons! And we were more likely to see robots appear...




All rights belong to its author. It was published on e-Stories.org by demand of Harry Schloßmacher.
Published on e-Stories.org on 08/08/2023.


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