Jürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez

The secret of the Indian pentagram 02

The Abercrombie Police Station is the oldest and most renowned police station on Mauritius. It is located in the La Croix district of Port Louis and houses three significant facilities: the Mauritius Police Force (MPF), the Control and Investigations Department (CID), and the Technical Support Center (TSC) in Rose Hill. The station is named after Major General John Abercrombie, who captured the island from the French in 1810. The Abercrombie Police Station plays a central role in maintaining security and order in Mauritius.

The large ceiling fan purred rhythmically beneath the old wooden paneling. Its currents of air spread a pleasant coolness. Chief Inspector Francis Laurent sat engrossed over a dossier spread out in front of him. His expansive desk dated back to colonial times around the turn of the century. After all, the station was founded in the first half of the 19th century. One could rightfully take pride in this historical institution.

Two comfortable wooden chairs, an old roll-top file cabinet, next to it a somewhat more modern model. Two tall windows provided pleasant and ample daylight. An additional air conditioning unit and another functional workstation were all that the Chief Inspector's office could accommodate.

His chin rested in his palm, supported by his left arm. He reached for the water carafe in front of him on the right and poured chilled water into a simple glass, leaning back in his old, leather-covered desk chair that had seen better days. Thoughtfully, he gazed at the rotating ceiling fan.

The two officers, Constable Ephraim Elmire and Mahmud Louvet, stepped out of their patrol vehicle and entered the police station. They headed toward the writing room, as they had instructions to draft a report immediately after their visit to Maurice Bertram. They opened the door labeled "Orderly Room" and approached an available desk.

"Hey," one of the colleagues called out curiously, "So, how did the visit go?"

"Jacques, sorry, no time for a chat! The report takes priority, otherwise the old man will have our backsides."

Grinning, both policemen sat down at the table and powered up the computer.

Chief Inspector Francis Laurent was entrusted with the investigation. The French ambassador had personally intervened with the Minister of the Interior and requested professional support. Laurent was the only suitable choice for this, and of course, there was a special reason for that. His calm gaze, never rushed but always alert in grasping situations. It seemed as if he had the ability to see everything from a higher perspective and thus maintain an overview even in turbulent times. Laurent was a covert operative and was stationed globally at various locations on standby until he was deployed. These measures were always taken in consultation with the Secret Service Department of Interpol.

Perhaps the victim had connections to French institutions? Or was it Bernadette, the wife of the French ambassador Antequil, who prompted her husband to turn to the Ministry of the Interior?

Bernadette enjoyed playing with him all too much. After a few glasses of wine, they found themselves where they expressed their affections: in bed. Besides his attractive exterior, it was precisely his empathetic sides that distinguished him and garnered attention. His wardrobe reflected his refined taste, always prioritizing timeless elegance over fashionable trends.


All rights belong to its author. It was published on e-Stories.org by demand of Jürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez.
Published on e-Stories.org on 08/08/2023.


The author


Book by Jürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez:


Emotionale Welten von Jürgen Skupniewski-Fernandez

In den Gedichten hat der Autor das lyrische "Ich" durch ein vorwiegendes lyrisches "Du" bzw. "Wir" ersetzt, was eine kollektive Nähe zum Geschehenen hervorruft.
Die sehr eindrücklichen Beschreibungen leben von den vielen Metaphern und Vergleichen.
Eine klare und leicht verständliche Sprache sowie wohlgeformte Reime ermöglichen dem Leser einen guten Zugang zu den Gedichten.
Etwas für Lyrik-Liebhaber und jene, die gerne über das Leben philosophieren. Eine kleine poetische Reise, die den Leser zum Verweilen und zum Nachdenken über den Sinn des Lebens einlädt.

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